The YMCA squash court is 20’ wide because it is a converted racquetball court. That width is recognized for play by US Squash.
In the discussion that follows, remember that unlike tennis, the line is not “in;” a ball that hits a court line is “out.”
The squash court features an “out line,” which is the topmost line on the front wall, which also runs along the two side walls. Any ball that strikes the walls on or above the out lines is out of play. The lowest line on the front wall is called the “tin.” The ball cannot hit on or below this line. Therefore, during a point, the ball must remain above the tin, but below the out lines at all times.
Finally, the line across the middle of the front wall is called the “service line.” All serves need to strike the front wall above this line and below the out line. On the floor, there is a left box, a right box, and a half court line, which separates the back half of the court into two halves. The two service boxes and half court line come into play only during the serve.
A player can choose which service box to begin the serve from. Typically, the server choses to serve first to the opponent’s backhand. For example, if beginning to serve to a righthanded player, the server would chose the service box on the right side of the court and serve into the left side of the court. If the server wins the point, the next serve is from the other service box.